Pierre-Hugues Husson 9c37ec0bcd Off-computer updater/flasher for A-only without recovery
How to use:
- Push UNSPARSED system.img to /sdcard
- Create file /cache/phh/flash
- Create block.map:
$ uncrypt /data/media/0/system.img /cache/phh/block.map
- Reboot

This is done by copying /system to a tmpfs, then killing all services,
moving /system to /dev/old-system, unmounting it, then applying
uncrypt's block.map

Tested devices as of today:
- Blackview A20
- Huawei Mate 9
2018-07-23 15:38:12 +02:00

5 lines
174 B

on post-fs
exec - root -- /system/bin/vndk-detect
export LD_CONFIG_FILE /system/etc/ld.config.${persist.sys.vndk}.txt
exec u:r:phhsu_daemon:s0 root -- /system/bin/twrp.sh