#!/system/bin/sh set -e fixSPL() { if [ "$(getprop ro.product.cpu.abi)" == "armeabi-v7a" ];then setprop ro.keymaster.mod 'AOSP on ARM32' else setprop ro.keymaster.mod 'AOSP on ARM64' fi img="$(find /dev/block -type l -name kernel$(getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix) |grep by-name |head -n 1)" [ -z "$img" ] && img="$(find /dev/block -type l -name boot$(getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix) |grep by-name |head -n 1)" if [ -n "$img" ];then #Rewrite SPL/Android version if needed Arelease="$(getSPL $img android)" setprop ro.keymaster.xxx.release "$Arelease" setprop ro.keymaster.xxx.security_patch "$(getSPL $img spl)" for f in /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-impl-qti.so /vendor/lib/hw/android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-impl-qti.so /system/lib64/vndk-26/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so /vendor/bin/teed /system/lib64/vndk/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so /system/lib/vndk/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so /system/lib/vndk-26/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so;do [ ! -f $f ] && continue ctxt="$(ls -lZ $f |grep -oE 'u:object_r:[^:]*:s0')" b="$(echo "$f"|tr / _)" mkdir -p /mnt/phh/ cp -a $f /mnt/phh/$b sed -i \ -e 's/ro.build.version.release/ro.keymaster.xxx.release/g' \ -e 's/ro.build.version.security_patch/ro.keymaster.xxx.security_patch/g' \ -e 's/ro.product.model/ro.keymaster.mod/g' \ /mnt/phh/$b chcon "$ctxt" /mnt/phh/$b mount -o bind /mnt/phh/$b $f done if [ "$(getprop init.svc.keymaster-3-0)" == "running" ];then setprop ctl.restart keymaster-3-0 fi if [ "$(getprop init.svc.teed)" == "running" ];then setprop ctl.restart teed fi fi } changeKeylayout() { cp -a /system/usr/keylayout /mnt/phh/keylayout changed=false if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | \ grep -qE -e ".*(crown|star)[q2]*lte.*" -e ".*(SC-0[23]K|SCV3[89]).*";then changed=true cp /system/phh/samsung-gpio_keys.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/gpio_keys.kl cp /system/phh/samsung-sec_touchscreen.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/sec_touchscreen.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/gpio_keys.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/sec_touchscreen.kl fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint |grep -q Xiaomi/polaris;then cp /system/phh/empty /mnt/phh/keylayout/uinput-goodix.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/uinput-goodix.kl changed=true fi if [ "$changed" == true ];then mount -o bind /mnt/phh/keylayout /system/usr/keylayout restorecon -R /system/usr/keylayout fi } if mount -o remount,rw /system;then resize2fs $(grep ' /system ' /proc/mounts |cut -d ' ' -f 1) || true elif mount -o remount,rw /;then resize2fs /dev/root || true fi mount -o remount,ro /system || true mount -o remount,ro / || true mkdir -p /mnt/phh/ mount -t tmpfs -o rw,nodev,relatime,mode=755,gid=0 none /mnt/phh || true set +e fixSPL set -e changeKeylayout if grep vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint /vendor/manifest.xml;then mount -o bind system/phh/huawei/fingerprint.kl /vendor/usr/keylayout/fingerprint.kl fi if ! grep android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint /vendor/manifest.xml;then mount -o bind system/phh/empty /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.fingerprint.xml fi if ! grep android.hardware.ir /vendor/manifest.xml;then mount -o bind system/phh/empty /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.consumerir.xml fi if getprop ro.hardware |grep -qF qcom && [ -f /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/max_brightness ] && \ grep -qvE '^255$' /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/max_brightness;then setprop persist.sys.qcom-brightness $(cat /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/max_brightness) fi if [ "$(getprop ro.vendor.product.device)" == "OnePlus6" ];then resize2fs /dev/block/platform/soc/1d84000.ufshc/by-name/userdata fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint |grep -q full_k50v1_64 || getprop ro.hardware |grep -q mt6580 ;then setprop persist.sys.overlay.nightmode false fi if getprop ro.wlan.mtk.wifi.5g |grep -q 1;then setprop persist.sys.overlay.wifi5g true fi if grep -qF 'mkdir /data/.fps 0770 system fingerp' vendor/etc/init/hw/init.mmi.rc;then mkdir -p /data/.fps chmod 0770 /data/.fps chown system:9015 /data/.fps chown system:9015 /sys/devices/soc/soc:fpc_fpc1020/irq chown system:9015 /sys/devices/soc/soc:fpc_fpc1020/irq_cnt fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint |grep -q -e Xiaomi/clover/clover -e iaomi/wayne/wayne;then setprop persist.sys.qcom-brightness $(cat /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/max_brightness) fi for f in /vendor/lib/mtk-ril.so /vendor/lib64/mtk-ril.so /vendor/lib/libmtk-ril.so /vendor/lib64/libmtk-ril.so;do [ ! -f $f ] && continue ctxt="$(ls -lZ $f |grep -oE 'u:object_r:[^:]*:s0')" b="$(echo "$f"|tr / _)" cp -a $f /mnt/phh/$b sed -i \ -e 's/AT+EAIC=2/AT+EAIC=3/g' \ /mnt/phh/$b chcon "$ctxt" /mnt/phh/$b mount -o bind /mnt/phh/$b $f done mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/overlay/SysuiDarkTheme/SysuiDarkTheme.apk || true mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/overlay/SysuiDarkTheme/SysuiDarkThemeOverlay.apk || true #If we have both Samsung and AOSP power hal, take Samsung's if [ -f /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.samsung.hardware.miscpower@1.0-service ];then mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.power@1.0-service fi