#!/system/bin/sh #Uncomment me to output sh -x of this script to /cache/phh/logs #if [ -z "$debug" ];then # mkdir -p /cache/phh # debug=1 exec sh -x "$(readlink -f -- "$0")" > /cache/phh/logs 2>&1 #fi vndk="$(getprop persist.sys.vndk)" [ -z "$vndk" ] && vndk="$(getprop ro.vndk.version |grep -oE '^[0-9]+')" if [ "$vndk" = 26 ];then resetprop ro.vndk.version 26 fi setprop sys.usb.ffs.aio_compat true setprop persist.adb.nonblocking_ffs false fixSPL() { if [ "$(getprop ro.product.cpu.abi)" = "armeabi-v7a" ]; then setprop ro.keymaster.mod 'AOSP on ARM32' else setprop ro.keymaster.mod 'AOSP on ARM64' fi img="$(find /dev/block -type l -name kernel"$(getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix)" | grep by-name | head -n 1)" [ -z "$img" ] && img="$(find /dev/block -type l -name boot"$(getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix)" | grep by-name | head -n 1)" if [ -n "$img" ]; then #Rewrite SPL/Android version if needed Arelease="$(getSPL "$img" android)" setprop ro.keymaster.xxx.release "$Arelease" setprop ro.keymaster.xxx.security_patch "$(getSPL "$img" spl)" setprop ro.keymaster.brn Android getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -qiE '^samsung/' && return 0 for f in \ /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-impl-qti.so /vendor/lib/hw/android.hardware.keymaster@3.0-impl-qti.so \ /system/lib64/vndk-26/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so /vendor/bin/teed \ /system/lib64/vndk/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so /system/lib/vndk/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so \ /system/lib/vndk-26/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so \ /system/lib/vndk-27/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so /system/lib64/vndk-27/libsoftkeymasterdevice.so \ /vendor/lib/libkeymaster3device.so /vendor/lib64/libkeymaster3device.so ; do [ ! -f "$f" ] && continue # shellcheck disable=SC2010 ctxt="$(ls -lZ "$f" | grep -oE 'u:object_r:[^:]*:s0')" b="$(echo "$f" | tr / _)" cp -a "$f" "/mnt/phh/$b" sed -i \ -e 's/ro.build.version.release/ro.keymaster.xxx.release/g' \ -e 's/ro.build.version.security_patch/ro.keymaster.xxx.security_patch/g' \ -e 's/ro.product.model/ro.keymaster.mod/g' \ -e 's/ro.product.brand/ro.keymaster.brn/g' \ "/mnt/phh/$b" chcon "$ctxt" "/mnt/phh/$b" mount -o bind "/mnt/phh/$b" "$f" done if [ "$(getprop init.svc.keymaster-3-0)" = "running" ]; then setprop ctl.restart keymaster-3-0 fi if [ "$(getprop init.svc.teed)" = "running" ]; then setprop ctl.restart teed fi fi } changeKeylayout() { cp -a /system/usr/keylayout /mnt/phh/keylayout changed=false if grep -q vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml; then changed=true cp /system/phh/huawei/fingerprint.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/fingerprint.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/fingerprint.kl fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -qE -e "^samsung"; then changed=true cp /system/phh/samsung-gpio_keys.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/gpio_keys.kl cp /system/phh/samsung-sec_touchscreen.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/sec_touchscreen.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/gpio_keys.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/sec_touchscreen.kl fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq \ -e xiaomi/polaris -e xiaomi/sirius -e xiaomi/dipper \ -e xiaomi/wayne -e xiaomi/jasmine -e xiaomi/jasmine_sprout \ -e xiaomi/platina -e iaomi/perseus -e xiaomi/ysl \ -e xiaomi/nitrogen -e xiaomi/daisy -e xiaomi/sakura \ -e xiaomi/whyred -e xiaomi/tulip -e xiaomi/onc; then if [ ! -f /mnt/phh/keylayout/uinput-goodix.kl ]; then cp /system/phh/empty /mnt/phh/keylayout/uinput-goodix.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/uinput-goodix.kl changed=true fi if [ ! -f /mnt/phh/keylayout/uinput-fpc.kl ]; then cp /system/phh/empty /mnt/phh/keylayout/uinput-fpc.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/uinput-fpc.kl changed=true fi fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -qi oneplus/oneplus6/oneplus6; then cp /system/phh/oneplus6-synaptics_s3320.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/synaptics_s3320.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/synaptics_s3320.kl changed=true fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq -e iaomi/perseus -e iaomi/cepheus; then cp /system/phh/mimix3-gpio-keys.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl changed=true fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq -E -e '^Sony/G834'; then cp /system/phh/sony-gpio-keys.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl changed=true fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint |grep -iq -E -e '^Nokia/Panther';then cp /system/phh/nokia-soc_gpio_keys.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/soc_gpio_keys.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/soc_gpio_keys.kl changed=true fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint |grep -iq -E -e '^Lenovo/' && [ -f /sys/devices/virtual/touch/tp_dev/gesture_on ];then cp /system/phh/lenovo-synaptics_dsx.kl /mnt/phh/keylayout/synaptics_dsx.kl chmod 0644 /mnt/phh/keylayout/synaptics_dsx.kl changed=true fi if [ "$changed" = true ]; then mount -o bind /mnt/phh/keylayout /system/usr/keylayout restorecon -R /system/usr/keylayout fi } if mount -o remount,rw /system; then resize2fs "$(grep ' /system ' /proc/mounts | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" || true elif mount -o remount,rw /; then major="$(stat -c '%D' /.|sed -E 's/^([0-9a-f]+)([0-9a-f]{2})$/\1/g')" minor="$(stat -c '%D' /.|sed -E 's/^([0-9a-f]+)([0-9a-f]{2})$/\2/g')" mknod /dev/tmp-phh b $((0x$major)) $((0x$minor)) resize2fs /dev/root || true resize2fs /dev/tmp-phh || true fi mount -o remount,ro /system || true mount -o remount,ro / || true mkdir -p /mnt/phh/ mount -t tmpfs -o rw,nodev,relatime,mode=755,gid=0 none /mnt/phh || true mkdir /mnt/phh/empty_dir fixSPL changeKeylayout mount /system/phh/empty /vendor/bin/vendor.samsung.security.proca@1.0-service || true if grep vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint /vendor/manifest.xml; then mount -o bind system/phh/huawei/fingerprint.kl /vendor/usr/keylayout/fingerprint.kl fi if ! grep android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint /vendor/manifest.xml && ! grep android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml; then mount -o bind system/phh/empty /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.fingerprint.xml fi if ! grep android.hardware.bluetooth /vendor/manifest.xml && ! grep android.hardware.bluetooth /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml; then mount -o bind system/phh/empty /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.bluetooth.xml mount -o bind system/phh/empty /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.bluetooth_le.xml fi if getprop ro.hardware | grep -qF qcom && [ -f /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/max_brightness ] && grep -qvE '^255$' /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/max_brightness; then setprop persist.sys.qcom-brightness "$(cat /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/max_brightness)" fi #Sony don't use Qualcomm HAL, so they don't have their mess if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -qE 'Sony/'; then setprop persist.sys.qcom-brightness -1 fi # Xiaomi MiA3 uses OLED display which works best with this setting if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq \ -e iaomi/laurel_sprout;then setprop persist.sys.qcom-brightness -1 fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -qi oneplus/oneplus6/oneplus6; then resize2fs /dev/block/platform/soc/1d84000.ufshc/by-name/userdata fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -q full_k50v1_64 || getprop ro.hardware | grep -q mt6580; then setprop persist.sys.overlay.nightmode false fi if getprop ro.wlan.mtk.wifi.5g | grep -q 1; then setprop persist.sys.overlay.wifi5g true fi if grep -qF 'mkdir /data/.fps 0770 system fingerp' vendor/etc/init/hw/init.mmi.rc; then mkdir -p /data/.fps chmod 0770 /data/.fps chown system:9015 /data/.fps chown system:9015 /sys/devices/soc/soc:fpc_fpc1020/irq chown system:9015 /sys/devices/soc/soc:fpc_fpc1020/irq_cnt fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -q -i \ -e xiaomi/clover -e xiaomi/wayne -e xiaomi/sakura \ -e xiaomi/nitrogen -e xiaomi/whyred -e xiaomi/platina \ -e xiaomi/ysl -e nubia/nx60 -e nubia/nx61 -e xiaomi/tulip \ -e xiaomi/lavender -e xiaomi/olive -e xiaomi/olivelite -e xiaomi/pine; then setprop persist.sys.qcom-brightness "$(cat /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/max_brightness)" fi if getprop ro.vendor.product.device |grep -iq -e RMX1801 -e RMX1803 -e RMX1807;then setprop persist.sys.qcom-brightness "$(cat /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/max_brightness)" fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq \ -e Xiaomi/beryllium/beryllium -e Xiaomi/sirius/sirius \ -e Xiaomi/dipper/dipper -e Xiaomi/ursa/ursa -e Xiaomi/polaris/polaris \ -e motorola/ali/ali -e iaomi/perseus/perseus -e iaomi/platina/platina \ -e iaomi/equuleus/equuleus -e motorola/nora -e xiaomi/nitrogen \ -e motorola/hannah -e motorola/james -e motorola/pettyl -e iaomi/cepheus \ -e iaomi/grus -e xiaomi/cereus -e iaomi/raphael -e iaomi/davinci \ -e iaomi/ginkgo -e iaomi/laurel_sprout;then mount -o bind /mnt/phh/empty_dir /vendor/lib64/soundfx mount -o bind /mnt/phh/empty_dir /vendor/lib/soundfx setprop ro.audio.ignore_effects true fi if [ "$(getprop ro.vendor.product.manufacturer)" = "motorola" ] || [ "$(getprop ro.product.vendor.manufacturer)" = "motorola" ]; then if getprop ro.vendor.product.device | grep -q -e nora -e ali -e hannah -e evert -e jeter -e deen -e james -e pettyl -e jater; then if [ "$vndk" -ge 28 ]; then f="/vendor/lib/libeffects.so" # shellcheck disable=SC2010 ctxt="$(ls -lZ $f | grep -oE 'u:object_r:[^:]*:s0')" b="$(echo "$f" | tr / _)" cp -a $f "/mnt/phh/$b" sed -i \ 's/%zu errors during loading of configuration: %s/%zu errors during loading of configuration: ss/g' \ "/mnt/phh/$b" chcon "$ctxt" "/mnt/phh/$b" mount -o bind "/mnt/phh/$b" $f else mount -o bind /mnt/phh/empty_dir /vendor/lib64/soundfx mount -o bind /mnt/phh/empty_dir /vendor/lib/soundfx fi fi fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -q -i -e xiaomi/wayne -e xiaomi/jasmine; then setprop persist.imx376_sunny.low.lux 310 setprop persist.imx376_sunny.light.lux 280 setprop persist.imx376_ofilm.low.lux 310 setprop persist.imx376_ofilm.light.lux 280 echo "none" > /sys/class/leds/led:torch_2/trigger fi for f in /vendor/lib/mtk-ril.so /vendor/lib64/mtk-ril.so /vendor/lib/libmtk-ril.so /vendor/lib64/libmtk-ril.so; do [ ! -f $f ] && continue # shellcheck disable=SC2010 ctxt="$(ls -lZ "$f" | grep -oE 'u:object_r:[^:]*:s0')" b="$(echo "$f" | tr / _)" cp -a "$f" "/mnt/phh/$b" sed -i \ -e 's/AT+EAIC=2/AT+EAIC=3/g' \ "/mnt/phh/$b" chcon "$ctxt" "/mnt/phh/$b" mount -o bind "/mnt/phh/$b" "$f" setprop persist.sys.phh.radio.force_cognitive true setprop persist.sys.radio.ussd.fix true done if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq -e iaomi/cactus -e iaomi/cereus; then setprop debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank.sw-audio 1 setprop debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank 0 fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq -e xiaomi/ginkgo -e xiaomi/willow; then mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/lib/soundfx/libvolumelistener.so fi mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/lib/libpdx_default_transport.so mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/lib64/libpdx_default_transport.so mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/overlay/SysuiDarkTheme/SysuiDarkTheme.apk || true mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/overlay/SysuiDarkTheme/SysuiDarkThemeOverlay.apk || true if grep -qF 'PowerVR Rogue GE8100' /vendor/lib/egl/GLESv1_CM_mtk.so || grep -qF 'PowerVR Rogue' /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_mtk.so || ( (getprop ro.product.board; getprop ro.board.platform) | grep -qiE -e msm8917 -e msm8937 -e msm8940); then setprop debug.hwui.renderer opengl setprop ro.skia.ignore_swizzle true if [ "$vndk" = 26 ] || [ "$vndk" = 27 ];then setprop debug.hwui.use_buffer_age false fi fi #If we have both Samsung and AOSP power hal, take Samsung's if [ -f /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.samsung.hardware.miscpower@1.0-service ] && [ "$vndk" -lt 28 ]; then mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.power@1.0-service fi if [ "$vndk" = 27 ] || [ "$vndk" = 26 ]; then mount -o bind /system/phh/libnfc-nci-oreo.conf /system/etc/libnfc-nci.conf fi if busybox_phh unzip -p /vendor/app/ims/ims.apk classes.dex | grep -qF -e Landroid/telephony/ims/feature/MmTelFeature -e Landroid/telephony/ims/feature/MMTelFeature; then mount -o bind /system/phh/empty /vendor/app/ims/ims.apk fi if getprop ro.hardware | grep -qF samsungexynos -e exynos; then setprop debug.sf.latch_unsignaled 1 fi if getprop ro.product.model | grep -qF ANE; then setprop debug.sf.latch_unsignaled 1 fi if getprop ro.vendor.product.device | grep -q -e nora -e rhannah; then setprop debug.sf.latch_unsignaled 1 fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq -e xiaomi/daisy; then setprop debug.sf.latch_unsignaled 1 setprop debug.sf.enable_hwc_vds 1 fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq -E -e 'huawei|honor' || getprop persist.sys.overlay.huawei | grep -iq -E -e 'true'; then p=/product/etc/nfc/libnfc_nxp_*_*.conf mount -o bind "$p" /system/etc/libnfc-nxp.conf || mount -o bind /product/etc/libnfc-nxp.conf /system/etc/libnfc-nxp.conf || true p=/product/etc/nfc/libnfc_brcm_*_*.conf mount -o bind "$p" /system/etc/libnfc-brcm.conf || mount -o bind /product/etc/libnfc-nxp.conf /system/etc/libnfc-nxp.conf || true mount -o bind /system/phh/libnfc-nci-huawei.conf /system/etc/libnfc-nci.conf fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -qE -e ".*(crown|star)[q2]*lte.*" -e ".*(SC-0[23]K|SCV3[89]).*" && [ "$vndk" -lt 28 ]; then for f in /vendor/lib/libfloatingfeature.so /vendor/lib64/libfloatingfeature.so; do [ ! -f "$f" ] && continue # shellcheck disable=SC2010 ctxt="$(ls -lZ "$f" | grep -oE 'u:object_r:[^:]*:s0')" b="$(echo "$f" | tr / _)" cp -a "$f" "/mnt/phh/$b" sed -i \ -e 's;/system/etc/floating_feature.xml;/system/ph/sam-9810-flo_feat.xml;g' \ "/mnt/phh/$b" chcon "$ctxt" "/mnt/phh/$b" mount -o bind "/mnt/phh/$b" "$f" setprop ro.audio.monitorRotation true done fi # This matches both Razer Phone 1 & 2 if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint |grep -qE razer/cheryl;then setprop ro.audio.monitorRotation true fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -qiE '^samsung'; then if getprop ro.hardware | grep -q qcom; then setprop persist.sys.overlay.devinputjack false fi if getprop ro.hardware | grep -q -e samsungexynos7870 -e qcom; then if [ "$vndk" -le 27 ]; then setprop persist.sys.phh.sdk_override /vendor/bin/hw/rild=27 fi fi fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -qE '^xiaomi/wayne/wayne.*'; then # Fix camera on DND, ugly workaround but meh setprop audio.camerasound.force true fi mount -o bind /mnt/phh/empty_dir /vendor/etc/audio || true for f in /vendor/lib{,64}/hw/com.qti.chi.override.so;do [ ! -f $f ] && continue # shellcheck disable=SC2010 ctxt="$(ls -lZ "$f" | grep -oE 'u:object_r:[^:]*:s0')" b="$(echo "$f" | tr / _)" cp -a "$f" "/mnt/phh/$b" sed -i \ -e 's/ro.product.manufacturer/sys.phh.xx.manufacturer/g' \ "/mnt/phh/$b" chcon "$ctxt" "/mnt/phh/$b" mount -o bind "/mnt/phh/$b" "$f" setprop sys.phh.xx.manufacturer "$(getprop ro.product.vendor.manufacturer)" done if [ -n "$(getprop ro.boot.product.hardware.sku)" ] && [ -z "$(getprop ro.hw.oemName)" ];then setprop ro.hw.oemName "$(getprop ro.boot.product.hardware.sku)" fi if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -qiE '^samsung/' && [ "$vndk" -ge 28 ];then setprop persist.sys.phh.samsung_fingerprint 0 #obviously broken perms if [ "$(stat -c '%A' /sys/class/sec/tsp/ear_detect_enable)" == "-rw-rw-r--" ] && [ "$(stat -c '%U' /sys/class/sec/tsp/ear_detect_enable)" == "root" ] && [ "$(stat -c '%G' /sys/class/sec/tsp/ear_detect_enable)" == "root" ];then chcon u:object_r:sysfs_ss_writable:s0 /sys/class/sec/tsp/ear_detect_enable chown system /sys/class/sec/tsp/ear_detect_enable chcon u:object_r:sysfs_ss_writable:s0 /sys/class/sec/tsp/cmd{,_list,_result,_status} chown system /sys/class/sec/tsp/cmd{,_list,_result,_status} chown system /sys/class/power_supply/battery/wc_tx_en chcon u:object_r:sysfs_app_writable:s0 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/wc_tx_en fi if [ "$(stat -c '%U' /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled)" == "root" ] && [ "$(stat -c '%G' /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled)" == "root" ];then chown system:system /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled chcon u:object_r:sysfs_ss_writable:s0 /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled setprop ctl.restart sec-miscpower-1-0 fi fi if [ -f /system/phh/secure ];then copyprop() { p="$(getprop "$2")" if [ "$p" ]; then resetprop "$1" "$(getprop "$2")" fi } copyprop ro.build.device ro.vendor.build.device copyprop ro.system.build.fingerprint ro.vendor.build.fingerprint copyprop ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint ro.vendor.build.fingerprint copyprop ro.build.fingerprint ro.vendor.build.fingerprint copyprop ro.build.device ro.vendor.product.device copyprop ro.product.system.device ro.vendor.product.device copyprop ro.product.device ro.vendor.product.device copyprop ro.product.system.device ro.product.vendor.device copyprop ro.product.device ro.product.vendor.device copyprop ro.product.system.name ro.vendor.product.name copyprop ro.product.name ro.vendor.product.name copyprop ro.product.system.name ro.product.vendor.device copyprop ro.product.name ro.product.vendor.device copyprop ro.system.product.brand ro.vendor.product.brand copyprop ro.product.brand ro.vendor.product.brand copyprop ro.product.system.model ro.vendor.product.model copyprop ro.product.model ro.vendor.product.model copyprop ro.product.system.model ro.product.vendor.model copyprop ro.product.model ro.product.vendor.model copyprop ro.build.product ro.vendor.product.model copyprop ro.build.product ro.product.vendor.model copyprop ro.system.product.manufacturer ro.vendor.product.manufacturer copyprop ro.product.manufacturer ro.vendor.product.manufacturer copyprop ro.system.product.manufacturer ro.product.vendor.manufacturer copyprop ro.product.manufacturer ro.product.vendor.manufacturer copyprop ro.build.version.security_patch ro.vendor.build.security_patch copyprop ro.build.version.security_patch ro.keymaster.xxx.security_patch resetprop ro.build.tags release-keys resetprop ro.boot.vbmeta.device_state locked resetprop ro.boot.verifiedbootstate green resetprop ro.boot.flash.locked 1 resetprop ro.boot.veritymode enforcing resetprop ro.boot.warranty_bit 0 resetprop ro.warranty_bit 0 resetprop ro.debuggable 0 resetprop ro.secure 1 resetprop ro.build.type user resetprop ro.build.selinux 0 resetprop ro.adb.secure 1 setprop ctl.restart adbd fi for abi in "" 64;do f=/vendor/lib$abi/libstagefright_foundation.so if [ -f "$f" ];then for vndk in 26 27 28;do mount "$f" /system/lib$abi/vndk-$vndk/libstagefright_foundation.so done fi done setprop ro.product.first_api_level "$vndk" if getprop ro.boot.boot_devices |grep -v , |grep -qE .;then ln -s /dev/block/platform/$(getprop ro.boot.boot_devices) /dev/block/bootdevice fi if [ -c /dev/dsm ];then chown system:system /dev/dsm chmod 0660 /dev/dsm mkdir -p /data/sec_storage_data chown system:system /data/sec_storage_data chcon u:object_r:teecd_data_file_system:s0 /data/sec_storage_data mount /data/sec_storage_data /sec_storage fi #Try to detect DT2W for ev in $(cd /sys/class/input;echo event*);do if [ -f "/sys/class/input/$ev/device/device/gesture_mask" ];then setprop persist.sys.phh.dt2w_evnode /dev/input/$ev fi done has_hostapd=false for i in odm oem vendor product;do if grep -qF android.hardware.wifi.hostapd /$i/etc/vintf/manifest.xml;then has_hostapd=true fi done if [ "$has_hostapd" = false ];then setprop persist.sys.phh.system_hostapd true fi #Weird /odm/phone.prop Huawei stuff HW_PRODID="$(sed -nE 's/.*productid=([0-9xa-f]*).*/\1/p' /proc/cmdline)" [ -z "$HW_PRODID" ] && HW_PRODID="0x$(od -A none -t x1 /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/hisi,modem_id | sed s/' '//g)" for part in odm vendor;do if [ -f /$part/phone.prop ];then if [ -n "$HW_PRODID" ];then eval "$(awk 'BEGIN { a=0 }; /\[.*\].*/ { a=0 }; tolower($0) ~ /.*'"$HW_PRODID"'.*/ { a=1 }; /.*=.*/ { if(a == 1) print $0 }' /$part/phone.prop |sed -nE 's/(.*)=(.*)/setprop \1 "\2";/p')" fi fi done # Fix sprd adf for surfaceflinger to start # Somehow the names of the device nodes are incorrect on Android 10; fix them by mknod if [ -e /dev/sprd-adf-dev ];then mknod -m666 /dev/adf0 c 250 0 mknod -m666 /dev/adf-interface0.0 c 250 1 mknod -m666 /dev/adf-overlay-engine0.0 c 250 2 restorecon /dev/adf0 /dev/adf-interface0.0 /dev/adf-overlay-engine0.0 # SPRD GL causes crashes in system_server (not currently observed in other processes) # Tell the system to avoid using hardware acceleration in system_server. setprop ro.config.avoid_gfx_accel true fi # Fix manual network selection with old modem # https://github.com/LineageOS/android_hardware_ril/commit/e3d006fa722c02fc26acdfcaa43a3f3a1378eba9 if getprop ro.vendor.build.fingerprint | grep -iq \ -e xiaomi/polaris -e xiaomi/whyred; then setprop persist.sys.phh.radio.use_old_mnc_format true fi