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gsi: Initial implementation of sysbta, a system-side bluetooth audio HAL On platform release T, the legacy `audio.a2dp.default` HAL no longer exists, and cannot be trivially restored for generic system-side A2DP audio support. Rather than trying to cling on to its existence (which does not even work anymore even if one did so), it is time to come up with a new solution. This commit introduces a system-side implementation of the generic bluetooth audio HAL. The HAL itself is modelled after the default bluetooth audio HAL, while substantial components of the default audio HAL are also included as it has to also implement the audio HAL interfaces. The audio HAL implementation is delegated to `audio.sysbta.default`, forked from `audio.bluetooth.default` from the Bluetooth apex package. It then communicates with the bluetooth audio HAL interfaces, which need to live in the same process (in this case, the process of the sysbta HAL). This is why we cannot just load `audio.sysbta.default` into the default audio HAL or the audioserver process directly, but rather have to include our own simplistic audio HAL implementation. For now, the audio HAL implementation only includes one for the 6.0 version, but technically, an interface for *every* audio HAL version needs to exist. This, along with other messiness in the sysbta implementation, will be addressed in a future commit. Note that to actually make use of the sysbta audio hal, patches in frameworks/av and packages/modules/Bluetooth are required to introduce support for the property `persist.bluetooth.system_audio_hal.enabled`.
2022-08-24 19:47:06 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// clang-format off
#include PATH(android/hardware/audio/COMMON_TYPES_FILE_VERSION/IStream.h)
// clang-format on
#include "ParametersUtil.h"
#include <vector>
#include <hardware/audio.h>
#include <hidl/Status.h>
#include <hidl/MQDescriptor.h>
#include <VersionUtils.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace audio {
namespace CPP_VERSION {
namespace implementation {
using ::android::sp;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
using ::android::hardware::Return;
using ::android::hardware::Void;
using ::android::hardware::audio::CORE_TYPES_CPP_VERSION::implementation::ParametersUtil;
using ::android::hardware::audio::common::COMMON_TYPES_CPP_VERSION::implementation::
using namespace ::android::hardware::audio::common::COMMON_TYPES_CPP_VERSION;
using namespace ::android::hardware::audio::CORE_TYPES_CPP_VERSION;
using namespace ::android::hardware::audio::CPP_VERSION;
struct Stream : public IStream, public ParametersUtil {
Stream(bool isInput, audio_stream_t* stream);
/** 1GiB is the maximum buffer size the HAL client is allowed to request.
* This value has been chosen to be under SIZE_MAX and still big enough
* for all audio use case.
* Keep private for 2.0, put in .hal in 2.1
static constexpr uint32_t MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 2 << 30 /* == 1GiB */;
// Methods from ::android::hardware::audio::CPP_VERSION::IStream follow.
Return<uint64_t> getFrameSize() override;
Return<uint64_t> getFrameCount() override;
Return<uint64_t> getBufferSize() override;
Return<uint32_t> getSampleRate() override;
Return<void> getSupportedSampleRates(getSupportedSampleRates_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<void> getSupportedChannelMasks(getSupportedChannelMasks_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<void> getSupportedSampleRates(AudioFormat format, getSupportedSampleRates_cb _hidl_cb);
Return<void> getSupportedChannelMasks(AudioFormat format, getSupportedChannelMasks_cb _hidl_cb);
Return<Result> setSampleRate(uint32_t sampleRateHz) override;
Return<AudioChannelBitfield> getChannelMask() override;
Return<Result> setChannelMask(AudioChannelBitfield mask) override;
Return<AudioFormat> getFormat() override;
Return<void> getSupportedFormats(getSupportedFormats_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<Result> setFormat(AudioFormat format) override;
Return<void> getSupportedProfiles(getSupportedProfiles_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<Result> setAudioProperties(const AudioConfigBaseOptional& config) override;
#endif // MAJOR_VERSION <= 6
Return<void> getAudioProperties(getAudioProperties_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<Result> addEffect(uint64_t effectId) override;
Return<Result> removeEffect(uint64_t effectId) override;
Return<Result> standby() override;
Return<AudioDevice> getDevice() override;
Return<Result> setDevice(const DeviceAddress& address) override;
Return<void> getParameters(const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& keys,
getParameters_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<Result> setParameters(const hidl_vec<ParameterValue>& parameters) override;
Return<Result> setConnectedState(const DeviceAddress& address, bool connected) override;
#elif MAJOR_VERSION >= 4
Return<void> getDevices(getDevices_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<Result> setDevices(const hidl_vec<DeviceAddress>& devices) override;
Return<void> getParameters(const hidl_vec<ParameterValue>& context,
const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& keys,
getParameters_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<Result> setParameters(const hidl_vec<ParameterValue>& context,
const hidl_vec<ParameterValue>& parameters) override;
Return<Result> setHwAvSync(uint32_t hwAvSync) override;
Return<Result> start() override;
Return<Result> stop() override;
Return<void> createMmapBuffer(int32_t minSizeFrames, createMmapBuffer_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<void> getMmapPosition(getMmapPosition_cb _hidl_cb) override;
Return<Result> close() override;
Return<void> debug(const hidl_handle& fd, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& options) override;
Return<void> debugDump(const hidl_handle& fd) override;
// Utility methods for extending interfaces.
static Result analyzeStatus(const char* funcName, int status);
static Result analyzeStatus(const char* funcName, int status,
const std::vector<int>& ignoreErrors);
const bool mIsInput;
audio_stream_t* mStream;
virtual ~Stream();
// Methods from ParametersUtil.
char* halGetParameters(const char* keys) override;
int halSetParameters(const char* keysAndValues) override;
template <typename T>
struct StreamMmap : public RefBase {
explicit StreamMmap(T* stream) : mStream(stream) {}
Return<Result> start();
Return<Result> stop();
Return<void> createMmapBuffer(int32_t minSizeFrames, size_t frameSize,
IStream::createMmapBuffer_cb _hidl_cb);
Return<void> getMmapPosition(IStream::getMmapPosition_cb _hidl_cb);
StreamMmap() {}
T* mStream;
template <typename T>
Return<Result> StreamMmap<T>::start() {
if (mStream->start == NULL) return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED;
int result = mStream->start(mStream);
return Stream::analyzeStatus("start", result);
template <typename T>
Return<Result> StreamMmap<T>::stop() {
if (mStream->stop == NULL) return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED;
int result = mStream->stop(mStream);
return Stream::analyzeStatus("stop", result);
template <typename T>
Return<void> StreamMmap<T>::createMmapBuffer(int32_t minSizeFrames, size_t frameSize,
IStream::createMmapBuffer_cb _hidl_cb) {
Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED);
MmapBufferInfo info;
native_handle_t* hidlHandle = nullptr;
if (mStream->create_mmap_buffer != NULL) {
if (minSizeFrames <= 0) {
retval = Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
goto exit;
struct audio_mmap_buffer_info halInfo;
retval = Stream::analyzeStatus(
"create_mmap_buffer", mStream->create_mmap_buffer(mStream, minSizeFrames, &halInfo));
if (retval == Result::OK) {
hidlHandle = native_handle_create(1, 0);
hidlHandle->data[0] = halInfo.shared_memory_fd;
// Negative buffer size frame is a legacy hack to indicate that the buffer
// is shareable to applications before the relevant flag was introduced
bool applicationShareable =
halInfo.flags & AUDIO_MMAP_APPLICATION_SHAREABLE || halInfo.buffer_size_frames < 0;
halInfo.buffer_size_frames = abs(halInfo.buffer_size_frames);
info.sharedMemory = // hidl_memory size must always be positive
hidl_memory("audio_buffer", hidlHandle, frameSize * halInfo.buffer_size_frames);
if (applicationShareable) {
halInfo.buffer_size_frames *= -1;
info.flags =
halInfo.flags | (applicationShareable ? MmapBufferFlag::APPLICATION_SHAREABLE
: MmapBufferFlag::NONE);
info.bufferSizeFrames = halInfo.buffer_size_frames;
info.burstSizeFrames = halInfo.burst_size_frames;
_hidl_cb(retval, info);
if (hidlHandle != nullptr) {
return Void();
template <typename T>
Return<void> StreamMmap<T>::getMmapPosition(IStream::getMmapPosition_cb _hidl_cb) {
Result retval(Result::NOT_SUPPORTED);
MmapPosition position;
if (mStream->get_mmap_position != NULL) {
struct audio_mmap_position halPosition;
retval = Stream::analyzeStatus("get_mmap_position",
mStream->get_mmap_position(mStream, &halPosition));
if (retval == Result::OK) {
position.timeNanoseconds = halPosition.time_nanoseconds;
position.positionFrames = halPosition.position_frames;
_hidl_cb(retval, position);
return Void();
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace CPP_VERSION
} // namespace audio
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android