# phoebe


a booru-style image gallery and organizer.
Built with the Go language and Svelte framework, phoebe is designed for personal image gathering.
## Features
* Upload and organize images
* Basic tagging system
* Search and autocomplete based on tags
* Similarity search and duplicate detection using perceptual hash
## Installation
The easiest way to get started is to use Docker:
docker pull damillora/phoebe
docker run -e POSTGRES_DATABASE= -e AUTH_SECRET= -e DATA_DIR=/data -e BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080 -p 8080:8080 -v "./data:/data" damillora/phoebe
## Requirements
* PostgreSQL database
## Configuration
phoebe is configured using environment variables:
* `POSTGRES_DATABASE`: DSN string of Postgres Database, see [Gorm documentation](https://gorm.io/docs/connecting_to_the_database.html)
* `AUTH_SECRET`: Secret used to sign JWTs
* `DATA_DIR`: Data directory to store images
* `BASE_URL`: Accesible URL of the instance
* `DISABLE_REGISTRATION`: Optional, disable registration on the instance
## Contributing
phoebe is still in an early stage, but contributions are welcome!
## License
phoebe is licensed under the [MIT license](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/).