import dotenv from 'dotenv' import { AtpAgent, BlobRef } from '@atproto/api' import fs from 'fs/promises' import { ids } from '../src/lexicon/lexicons' const run = async () => { dotenv.config() // YOUR bluesky handle // Ex: const handle = '' // YOUR bluesky password, or preferably an App Password (found in your client settings) // Ex: abcd-1234-efgh-5678 const password = '' // A short name for the record that will show in urls // Lowercase with no spaces. // Ex: whats-hot const recordName = '' // A display name for your feed // Ex: What's Hot const displayName = '' // (Optional) A description of your feed // Ex: Top trending content from the whole network const description = '' // (Optional) The path to an image to be used as your feed's avatar // Ex: ~/path/to/avatar.jpeg const avatar: string = '' // ------------------------------------- // NO NEED TO TOUCH ANYTHING BELOW HERE // ------------------------------------- if (!process.env.FEEDGEN_SERVICE_DID && !process.env.FEEDGEN_HOSTNAME) { throw new Error('Please provide a hostname in the .env file') } const feedGenDid = process.env.FEEDGEN_SERVICE_DID ?? `did:web:${process.env.FEEDGEN_HOSTNAME}` // only update this if in a test environment const agent = new AtpAgent({ service: '' }) await agent.login({ identifier: handle, password }) let avatarRef: BlobRef | undefined if (avatar) { let encoding: string if (avatar.endsWith('png')) { encoding = 'image/png' } else if (avatar.endsWith('jpg') || avatar.endsWith('jpeg')) { encoding = 'image/jpeg' } else { throw new Error('expected png or jpeg') } const img = await fs.readFile(avatar) const blobRes = await, { encoding, }) avatarRef = } await{ repo: agent.session?.did ?? '', collection: ids.AppBskyFeedGenerator, rkey: recordName, record: { did: feedGenDid, displayName: displayName, description: description, avatar: avatarRef, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }, }) console.log('All done 🎉') } run()