# Whichever port you want to run this on FEEDGEN_PORT=3000 # Change this to use a different bind address FEEDGEN_LISTENHOST="localhost" # Set to something like db.sqlite to store persistently FEEDGEN_SQLITE_LOCATION=":memory:" # Don't change unless you're working in a different environment than the primary Bluesky network FEEDGEN_SUBSCRIPTION_ENDPOINT="wss://bsky.network" # Set this to the hostname that you intend to run the service at FEEDGEN_HOSTNAME="example.com" # Set this to the DID of the account you'll use to publish the feed # You can find your accounts DID by going to # https://bsky.social/xrpc/com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle?handle=${YOUR_HANDLE} FEEDGEN_PUBLISHER_DID="did:plc:abcde...." # Only use this if you want a service did different from did:web # FEEDGEN_SERVICE_DID="did:plc:abcde..." # Delay between reconnect attempts to the firehose subscription endpoint (in milliseconds) FEEDGEN_SUBSCRIPTION_RECONNECT_DELAY=3000