2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
< ? php
namespace Application\Controllers ;
use Application\HTTP\Request ;
use Application\HTTP\Response ;
use Application\Services\ServiceContainer ;
use Application\Foundations\QueryBuilder ;
use Application\Foundations\MailBuilder ;
use Application\Models\User ;
use Application\Models\UserConfirmation ;
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use Application\Models\UserChange ;
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
class AuthController {
public function __construct () {
public function sign_up ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
if ( ServiceContainer :: Authentication () -> isLoggedIn ()) {
return $response -> redirect ( '/' );
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
return $response -> view ( 'auth/sign-up' );
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
public function create_user ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
if ( $request -> email == " " ) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /signup " ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Email must not be empty' ]
} else if ( ! filter_var ( $request -> email , FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /signup " ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Email must not valid' ]
} else if ( $request -> username == " " ) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /signup " ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Username must not be empty' ]
} else if ( strlen ( $request -> username ) < 6 || strlen ( $request -> username ) > 20 ) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /signup " ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Username must be between 6 and 20 characters' ]
} else if ( strlen ( $request -> password ) < 8 ) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /signup " ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Password must be at least 8 characters' ]
} else if ( $request -> password != $request -> confirmpassword ) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /signup " ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Password and confirm password must be the same' ]
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
$query = new QueryBuilder ();
$query = $query -> select ( 'id' ) -> from ( 'user' ) -> where ( 'username' , $request -> username ) -> build ();
$result = ServiceContainer :: Database () -> select ( $query );
if ( count ( $result ) > 0 ) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /signup " ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Username is already taken' ]
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
ServiceContainer :: Session () -> unset ( 'errors' );
$data = User :: create ([
'id' => null ,
'username' => $request -> username ,
'about' => '' ,
'email' => $request -> email ,
'email_visible' => 0 ,
'avatar_path' => '' ,
'password' => password_hash ( $request -> password , PASSWORD_DEFAULT ),
'is_confirmed' => 0 ,
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
'role' => 0 ,
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
'created_at' => date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
'updated_at' => date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
if ( $data != null ) {
$id = $data -> id ;
$confirmator = UserConfirmation :: create ([
'confirm_key' => hash ( 'sha256' , $data -> username . time ()),
'user_id' => $id ,
'best_before' => date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , strtotime ( '+6 hours' , time ())),
$email = new MailBuilder ();
$body = " Thank you for registering with metaforums. \n " ;
$body .= " To be able to explore the vast forum, use the URL below: \n \n " ;
$body .= $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_SCHEME' ] . '://' . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] . '/signup/confirm?' . $confirmator -> confirm_key ;
$email -> from ( " metaforums@nanao.moe " ) -> to ( $data -> email ) -> subject ( " Complete your registration on Metaforums " ) -> body ( $body );
ServiceContainer :: Email () -> send ( $email );
if ( $confirmator != null ) {
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
return $response -> redirect ( '/login' ) -> with (
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
[ 'signup-email' => $request -> email ],
public function sign_up_confirm ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
$confirm = UserConfirmation :: find ( $request -> queryString ());
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
if ( isset ( $confirm ) && strtotime ( $confirm -> best_before ) > time () ) {
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$id = $confirm -> user_id ;
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
$user = User :: find ( $id );
$user -> update ([ 'is_confirmed' => 1 ]);
$confirm -> delete ();
return $response -> redirect ( '/' );
public function login ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
if ( ServiceContainer :: Authentication () -> isLoggedIn ()) {
return $response -> redirect ( '/' );
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
return $response -> view ( 'auth/login' );
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public function login_check ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
$query = new QueryBuilder ();
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$query = $query -> where ( 'is_deactivated' , 0 ) -> where ( 'username' , $request -> username ) -> orWhere ( 'email' , $request -> username ) -> where ( 'is_deactivated' , 0 );
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
$result = User :: selectOne ( $query );
if ( $result == null ) {
if ( filter_var ( $request -> username , FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /login " ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Email is not associated with an account' ]
} else {
return $response -> redirect ( " /login " ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Username does not exist' ]
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
} else {
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
$password = $result -> password ;
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$verify = password_verify ( $request -> password , $password );
if ( ! $verify ) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /login " ) -> with (
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
[ 'errors' => 'Invalid password' ]
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
$result -> update ([ 'logged_in' => 1 , 'last_login' => date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ]);
ServiceContainer :: Session () -> unset ( 'errors' );
ServiceContainer :: Session () -> set ( 'user_id' , $result -> id );
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return $response -> redirect ( '/' );
public function logout ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
2019-11-19 10:36:39 +07:00
$user = User :: find ( ServiceContainer :: Session () -> get ( 'user_id' ));
$user -> update ([ 'logged_in' => 0 ]);
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00
ServiceContainer :: Session () -> destroy ();
return $response -> redirect ( '/login' );
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public function forget_password ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
if ( ServiceContainer :: Authentication () -> isLoggedIn ()) {
return $response -> redirect ( " / " );
return $response -> view ( 'auth/forgot' );
public function forget_password_confirm ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
$query = new QueryBuilder ();
$query = $query -> select ( 'id,username,email' ) -> from ( 'user' ) -> where ( 'email' , $request -> email ) -> where ( 'is_confirmed' , 1 ) -> build ();
$result = ServiceContainer :: Database () -> select ( $query );
if ( count ( $result ) > 0 ) {
$confirmator = UserChange :: create ([
'user_id' => $result [ 0 ][ " id " ],
'action_type' => 'password_reset' ,
'confirm_key' => hash ( 'sha256' , $result [ 0 ][ 'username' ] . time ()),
'best_before' => date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , strtotime ( '+6 hours' , time ())),
$email = new MailBuilder ();
$body = " I heard you forgot your password. \n " ;
$body .= " To reset your password, use the URL below: \n \n " ;
$body .= $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_SCHEME' ] . '://' . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] . '/login/reset?' . $confirmator -> confirm_key ;
$email -> from ( " metaforums@nanao.moe " ) -> to ( $result [ 0 ][ 'email' ]) -> subject ( " Someone asked to reset your password " ) -> body ( $body );
ServiceContainer :: Email () -> send ( $email );
return $response -> redirect ( " /login/forget " ) -> with ([ 'forget_message' => 'We have sent a reset password link to the provided e-mail. If there is an account associated with the e-mail, the e-mail will be received in the inbox.' ]);
public function reset_password ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
if ( ServiceContainer :: Authentication () -> isLoggedIn ()) {
return $response -> redirect ( " / " );
$where = new QueryBuilder ();
$where -> where ( 'confirm_key' , $request -> queryString ()) -> where ( 'action_type' , 'password_reset' ) -> where ( " best_before " , " > " , date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ));
$confirmator = UserChange :: selectOne ( $where );
if ( ! isset ( $confirmator )) {
return $response -> redirect ( " / " );
return $response -> view ( 'auth/reset' , [ 'key' => $request -> queryString () ]);
public function reset_password_confirm ( Request $request , Response $response ) {
if ( ServiceContainer :: Authentication () -> isLoggedIn ()) {
return $response -> redirect ( " / " );
$where = new QueryBuilder ();
$where -> where ( 'confirm_key' , $request -> confirm_key ) -> where ( 'action_type' , 'password_reset' ) -> where ( " best_before " , " > " , date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ));
$confirmator = UserChange :: selectOne ( $where );
if ( ! isset ( $confirmator )) {
return $response -> redirect ( " / " );
if ( strlen ( $request -> password ) < 8 ) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /login/reset? " . $request -> confirm_key ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Password must be at least 8 characters' ]
} else if ( $request -> password != $request -> confirmpassword ) {
return $response -> redirect ( " /login/reset? " . $request -> confirm_key ) -> with (
[ 'errors' => 'Password and confirm password must be the same' ]
$user = User :: find ( $confirmator -> user_id );
$user -> update ([ 'password' => password_hash ( $request -> password , PASSWORD_DEFAULT ) ]);
$confirmator -> delete ();
return $response -> redirect ( " /login " );
2019-11-18 20:33:45 +07:00